
World Goetheanum Association
The World Goetheanum Association was founded on 18 May 2018. It is a network of partners, consisting of companies, institutions, initiatives and self-employed people.
The Association is committed to the future of man and earth on the basis of human dignity and accountability. Its actions are based on the vision of a just world. The partner network sees itself as part of a movement that seeks, promotes and implements a new, comprehensive view of the human being.

The Soul of Europe
The Soul of Europe - Seele Europas - Душа Европы
Given the events of the last decade, the future of Europe and the EU seems to have never been so much in the focus of people's attention as it is today.
The main objective of the Soul of Europe Conference is to exchange views and ideas on the important challenges facing Europe - and the European Union (EU) in particular - and to share a common vision on the mission and future of Europe.

The World Social Initiative Forum
The World Social Initiative Forum (WSIF) is an international network of spiritually-inspired social initiatives aiming to address wide-reaching human poverty, marginalisation and inequality.
WSIF partners with changemakers and non-profit organizations inspired by Anthroposophy based in the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum, who are working towards global impact and spiritual engagement in service of true social needs.

The Economics Conference
A standing conference within the Social Sciences Section of the School of Spiritual Science, the Economics Conference of the Goetheanum is a worldwide research community that seeks to understand business, finance and economics on the basis of Rudolf Steiner's economics course and related writings.
Its aim is to make seminal yet concrete contributions to fundamental problems of our time in such fields as price theory, monetary policy and entrepreneurial endeavour. Its meetings, which take place in many parts of the world, and include an annual worldwide gathering, are conducted principally in English but also in the languages of those who take part.

Family Festival
An annual summer conference around the theme of 'Family Today'.
Family? How does that work? How do we want to live together? Nothing is fixed any more. No one wants to simply live in old ways and according to set patterns.
The questions have become bigger and more difficult. Precisely because there is no longer the one form that has been handed down for centuries, but more and more different forms, the question is much more urgent today: How do I want to live? Or: How can I freely and self-determinedly find my own task, my own path in life - and yet also find, experience and pass on connectedness, faithfulness and reliability?
We want to discuss these and similar questions together. We invite you to the Goetheanum in summer, the most beautiful time of year, when the park is in bloom and provides a wonderful setting for parents and children alike for our Family Festival at the Goetheanum.

Today, people with special needs are increasingly taking active steps to assert their rights, to shape their lives in a self-determined way and to participate in society. The Anthropoi Bundesverband and Anthropoi Selbsthilfe support them in this.

Monte Azul
The social organisation Associação Comunitária Monte Azul works in three favelas in the southern zone of the city of São Paulo.
The nonprofit Associação Comunitária Monte Azul is a day-to-day, one-stop shop for people in the slums of São Paulo, Brazil. Together with the residents and the city administration, the NGO runs a variety of initiatives and aid projects – with the aim of making life more decent on the ground and, in particular, providing comprehensive support to children, young people and women.

Friends of Waldorf Education
Since 1976 we promote Waldorf education around the globe. Thus far we have been able to support more than 830 Waldorf initiatives worldwide.
Each year 1.800 young people commit to a voluntary service and by the worldwide student campaign WOW-Day children get enabled to go to school. All our donations are forwarded at 100 %. Furthermore, our Emergency pedagogic interventions are addressed at psychologically traumatized children and adolescents in war zones and disaster areas.

Institut für soziale Gegenwartsfragen e.V. Stuttgart
The network, founded in 1989, compiled by individuals, organisations and institutions, is committed to the threefolding of the social organism, associative economics and cultural freedom.
Where people take on social tasks responsibly, the social structure must become permeable for such initiative.
To this purpose, the network publishes a quarterly printed newsletter ‘The Threefold Social Organism’.

Das Internationale Jugendinitiativ Programm (YIP)
The International Youth Initiative Program (YIP) is a 10 month residential societal entrepreneurship training for 18-28 years olds based in Sweden.
It offers a holistic educational program that expands global understanding and personal awareness. YIP aims to strengthen young people’s capacity to take personal and collective initiative in the face of current global realities.

We are consultants and coaches absolutely passionate about the challenge of human development and organizations.
Since 2002, we have been involved in various market segments and organizations of different sizes – inspired by Anthroposophy and Social Ecology – to support the development of the Human Being so that he can be a protagonist of the transformation of his company and society.

Institut for Social Threefolding Berlin
Since 1998, the Institute for Social Threefolding has been making an effort to make this differentiated approach better known and to support attempts at concrete implementation in an advisory capacity.
We are young and old people of different origin, education and attitude. We are united by our interest in the social hardship of the present, and by the fact that each of us sees in social threefolding a possibility to practically counteract this hardship.

Stiftung Verantwortungseigentum
Practised for decades by large companies such as ZEISS, BOSCH and ZF Friedrichshafen, sustainably tested in practice by many medium-sized companies such as ALNATURA, VOSS and ELOBAU, discovered as a development opportunity by more and more successful start-ups such as ECOSIA, EINHORN and STARTNEXT:Responsible ownership companies: it is time to give a voice to this forward-looking type of company.

SEKEM Initiative was founded with the vision of sustainable development and giving back to the community. It aims to develop the individual, society and environment through a holistic approach which integrates ecology, economy, societal and cultural life. Today, the vision that brought Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish to dig the first well in the vast desert land still resounds in all of SEKEMs activities.