Law and anthroposophy

Law and anthroposophy

07 May 2024 Stella Yaris Mapur 863 views

In 2021, the lawyer and mediator Stella Maris Yapur launched a project for the anthroposophical training of lawyers. As in many countries, everyday law in Argentina has become detached from its spiritual underpinnings. The aim of the project is to establish a continuous training series, which began 2021.

Law in the light of anthroposophy

Anthroposophy, founded by the German thinker and philosopher Rudolf Steiner, has found its way into medicine, education, architecture and agriculture, as well as into various areas of art: sculpture, movement and music. But his legacy did not stop there:

He laid the foundation for future generations to broaden their view and bring anthroposophy into every corner of daily life. Anthroposophy, like all living movements, connects its characteristic impulses with all fields of daily life, since there are no limits to the development of knowledge when the object of study is the human being himself.

"It is due to the wholeness of the human being that the relationship from person to person cannot be understood without the emotional and spiritual level of encounter" (R. Eichholz).

With this in mind, I consider it absolutely necessary to develop a specific training program in anthroposophy aimed at the legal professions: Lawyers, judges, administrative lawyers and professionals in different areas of the administration of justice, a training that encompasses both the general understanding of law in the light of anthroposophy and its specialized areas. Particular attention is paid to the rights of the child, as the rights of the developing human being are of fundamental importance in the legal policy area within the framework of the threefold structure of the social organism described by Rudolf Steiner.

This is why I worked to ensure that the first conference on the rights of the child in 2021 was followed by the first meeting on law and anthroposophy at the El Faro Anthroposophical Cultural Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on 19 November 2022. Dr. Reinald Eichholz gave an impulse lecture online for lawyers who were interested in this further training: "The four essential elements of law - The development of law in the understanding of anthroposophy".

I regard the response to this day as an encouraging first step and a significant gain in the world of anthroposophy, which cannot and should not remain unfinished.

The second meeting on law and anthroposophy took place in August 2023. Interested lawyers from Israel, Spain, Mexico, Brazil, Chile and Argentina took part virtually. The growing success of meeting after meeting prompted me to organize the third meeting for 2024, at which Dr. Eichholz will inspire us with the lecture "Human Dignity and the Rights of Nature" .

I would like to give continuity to the project presented here and create a comprehensive continuing education program from the perspective of anthroposophy for professionals in the legal world who are eager to create their own place for it and be an active part of this forward-looking movement.